ME31L Tcode In SAP – Create Scheduling Agreement


Welcome In Tcode Learn website, This page we learn about What is Transaction ME31L Tcode in SAP ? ME31L Transaction code used in SAP MM Module. Tcode ME31L is used for Create Scheduling Agreement in SAP

ME31L Tcode In SAP

Discription Create Scheduling Agreement
Path Logistics – Material Management – Purchasing – Outline Agreement – Scheduling Agreement – Create
Package 100
Program ME
Transction Type R
Screen Number 100

The ME31L Tcode used for Create Scheduling Agreement. When execute ME31L transaction in SAP, that time RM_MEREQ_GUI program run in backend. ME31L transaction code is belong to LE package.

ME31L Tcode Menu Path

ME31L Tcode Menu Path = Logistics - Material Management - Purchasing - Outline Agreement - Scheduling Agreement - Create




Que1. What is the ME31L Tcode in SAP ?
Answer- Tcode ME31L used for Create Scheduling Agreement

Que2. What is the menu path for ME31L transaction in SAP ?
Answer– Logistics – Material Management – Purchasing – Outline Agreement – Scheduling Agreement – Create

Que3. What is the used of ME31L tcode ?
Answer- Tcode ME31L is used for Create Scheduling Agreement

Que4. Which transaction used for Create Scheduling Agreement?
Answer– Tcode ME31L

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